Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ramalan Kehadiran Al Mahdi 2011

Ketika jatuhnya kerajaan beraja dan kerajaan korup di timur tengah
Dan bermulanya serangan tentera luar ke Libya, dan hampir hancurnya Jepun oleh
Pukulan tsunami.
Berlakunya pertembungan antara kuasa tentera bersekutu keatas penduduk dunia Islam.
Di belakang tabir peristiwa ini adalah Golongan Yang berpaksi kepada .....................
Awas anak ku... di ambang berakhirnya tahun ini...
Sesuatu yang besar akan bermula......
Di tempat dimana.....
Umat Islam berkumpul dan bertemu...
Di Tanah suci akan berlaku kekacauan...
Tentera asing akan memasuki tanah suci..?..............
Apakah itu......................... 
Bermulanya suatu pertempuran..

Difficult to see it is.
But see it i did
beware of the dark side will you
if the event occurs,
you do see what i see.
great chaos i see
fall of many nations spreading
new quake...will there bee
Remember my child...

Remember my child,
The Jedi Order is not here to win your battle..
we are but the servant of the force..
Great Chaos and death will there be around you..
choose wisely your side...
feel the force you must...
alone i see many being..

Remember my child ..
in these battle to come
there will be two general
leading each army..
While we.. the jedi are but the balancer of the force...

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